
Soundtrack Your Life


"Soundtrack Your Life" explores how Spotify is more than just a music streaming platform. It connects us to our past and inspires our future. The sequence showcases the unique role music plays in shaping our memories and driving our emotions.


Discover the impact of music through "Soundtrack Your Life," a one-minute short film created for Spotify


To create Spobie, the main character who is a zombie with a unique bond to music, I carefully planned and organized his development. I used photos of various postures as a reference to make him appear more human and relatable. This process helps emphasize how music can touch even the most unexpected characters, making Spobie's story engaging and meaningful.


Ara Devejian

This is a story about zombies who relive their past through music. In the beginning, Spobie, a former rock band member, accidentally drops his eyeball on a dead hand holding a play button. He loves the music playing on the phone and smashes it into his brain to listen more. Later, Spobie and his band members are having a picnic, but he has no motivation to eat because the phone is running out of battery. Meanwhile, in the city, people are getting attacked by zombies. Spobie and his band members are searching for phones with fully charged batteries that play music instead of looking for flesh to eat.


My experience with music:
When I listen to music, I feel a source of stream energy go into my blood and right into my brain.

Storyboard and Thought Process:
Essence: Music gives people energy and motivation.

Character Development:
Spobie, the zombie protagonist, has a deep connection to music, which reflects his pre-zombie life. His love for music drives his actions, making him a relatable character who embodies the theme of music as a lifeline and a link to the past.

The art style uses black and white sketches with green highlights for Spotify branding. I want the sketches to create a horror feel.