
Cry, Sleep, Laugh: The Milk Dilemma


This artwork is inspired by the differing attitudes towards expression in Eastern and Western cultures.


60” x 90”
Interactive Installation


I have included instructions for interaction prominently displayed on the side of my installation. These actions should be performed before reading the installation's description.


  • ArtCenter Student Gallery

  • Seeking Light Open Call Exhibition by The Bridge Arts Foundation

  • 4C Gallery

Pssst... Dive into the description only after you've gone through the directions! No peeking!


The ancient Chinese adage goes, "The crying baby always gets the milk," resonating with the American sentiment, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." In China, individuals traditionally remain restrained, modest, and cautious. However, upon my arrival in the U.S., I noticed that people are more direct, and unafraid to express themselves and voice their opinions unabashedly. Through this interactive piece, I aim to explore whether participants will choose the crying baby, thereby reflecting their innate tendencies and cultural backgrounds.

In-person Interactive Instruction

How to woo your baby bottle?

1. Imagine a bottle filled with delicious milk.

2. Snag a pacifier from the transparent box.

3. Match time! Which baby gets the milk? Put your pacifier into a baby bottle.