
Stop the Shock


As a pet lover, I never want to see any pets in pain. Petco, as one of the largest pet supplies retail stores, is against selling shock collars. I want to create a fun and playful sequence that shows how Petco is aware of the situation and stops the pain, fear and stress for our pets.


Identity spot that explores the concept: metamorphosis


I wanted to create playful and charming claymation using 3D rendering techniques. Claymation is a unique and engaging way to bring my cat characters to life and inject personalities into them.


Ara Devejian

The narrative starts with cats suffering from shock collars and then being rescued by the 'Petco Cloud.' The Petco Cloud rains and deactivates the shock collars, freeing the cats.


On October 6, 2020, Petco posted an article called Stop The Shock. They announced, “Out with shock collars and in with POSITIVE TRAINING”. I understand the debate this decision has sparked, but I believe the well-being of pets should always be a priority.

However, this is something unique about Petco. This is their voice and I want to elevate that.

Storyboard and Thought Process:
Essence: Petco does not sell products that harm pets.

Treatment and Concept:
This project allowed me to explore new styles and try something I’ve never tried before, which is 3D claymation. This was my first time using nomad sculpting to sculpt out all my characters and elements.

In a world that is a bit chaotic, these adorable animals mend our hearts.